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Book Reviews

Cedars-Sinai physicians and scholars delve into European intellectual history, physician-patient dynamics, the myriad elements that guide psychiatric treatment, and much more, in recently published books.

A Cedars-Sinai GI expert co-authored a lively companion book to official guidelines.

A new edition of the defining reference guide on deformations and birth defects outlines the latest clinical guidance.

Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice illuminates how moral and ethical concerns in healthcare are best appreciated through close listening to the stories of those “whose concerns these actually are.” 

Nothing But Nets: A Biography of Global Health Science and Its Objects tracks the history of net-related research, policymaking and distribution efforts.

Cedars-Sinai microbiome experts have edited a text outlining the latest research.

Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Real-World Data offers clinicians insights into how AI is revolutionizing decision-making in medicine.

Future Intelligence: The World in 2050—Enabling Governments, Innovators, and Businesses to Create a Better Future, interviewes diverse experts in healthcare, energy, communication, entertainment, transportation and other sectors.

A Leader’s Destiny: Why Psychology, Personality and Character Make All the Difference, argues that leadership cannot be taught but is rather born from a mix of innate talents, personality traits, situational factors and other forces of fate.

Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility, is about several modern bioethical dilemmas, sharing lessons from historic Jewish texts to provide context to each situation.

Mastering the Art of Patient Care tackles difficult questions around building confidence and excellence in young physicians.

Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold explores European intellectual history in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Complex Cases in Structural Heart Intervention offers dozens of highly detailed case studies, providing a roadmap to guide physicians.

Atlas of Psychiatry is the first and only visual reference guide comprehensively covering the field of Psychiatry.

Reclaiming the Joy of Medicine: Finding Purpose, Fulfillment and Happiness in Today’s Medical Industry offers hope to physicians experiencing burnout.