CS Magazine
Cedars-Sinai Magazine

Art of Healing

Child drawing

In parts of Los Angeles, many kids feel unsafe in their homes and schools. They see violence within their own families, notice gangs in their neighborhoods or experience loved ones being incarcerated. Cedars-Sinai Share & Care is a school-based, early intervention mental health program that uses art therapy to help children, teachers, families and others cope with traumatic events and stressors.

Share & Care counselors work with school staff to identify at-risk children and address their needs through crisis intervention, consultation, training and prevention. Counselors lead 12-week art therapy groups that focus on social-emotional learning. These groups provide an environment that aids in the healing process and enhances the child’s ability to concentrate and become happier and more successful academically.

Accomplishments in the 2017–2018 school year

contacts with students, parents and teachers logged by mental health professionals


students in group art therapy sessions


schools visited by therapists


of parents felt more confident in their ability to communicate more openly with their child after Share & Care


of students showed improvement in their behavior after Share & Care

For more information about Cedars-Sinai’s commitment to the health of our communities, visit cedars-sinai.edu/Community-Benefit