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Faces of Cedars-Sinai: Ruslan Gadilov, Administrative Associate

Cedars-Sinai Administrative Associate and YED Alumni Ruslan Gadilov.
Cedars-Sinai Administrative Associate and YED Alumni Ruslan Gadilov.

Meet Ruslan Gadilov, administrative associate in the S. Mark Taper Imaging Center and alumni of the Cedars-Sinai Youth Employment and Development (YED) program.

His career at Cedars-Sinai began 7 years ago when he was still a junior at Fairfax High School.

We sat down with Ruslan to learn more about his experience in the YED program and how it has impacted his career choice.

What made you want to join the YED program?

RG: I was in 10th grade and I heard the announcement at school about this program at Cedars-Sinai.

I knew I had to apply because I liked medicine and I was planning on going to college, so I thought it would be good experience for my resume. I heard from other students who participated that they really liked it, so I gave it a shot.

What department did you work with in the program?

RG: I started with Imaging, where I still work.

When you start in the program, they give you a list of departments and I picked Imaging.

The packet they gave me said I would be dealing with up to 300 patients per day. I'm a really shy person, so I knew it would push me outside of my comfort zone.

What is your job now at Cedars-Sinai?

RG: I work in the reception area of the Imaging Center.

I check patients in and help them with their paperwork. I also coordinate with other departments if the patient is coming from another area of the hospital or if they're going somewhere else after their appointment.

How did the YED program impact your career choice?

RG: The program gave me the opportunity to explore careers in the medical field.

Part of the program involves shadowing employees from all over Cedars-Sinai. I got to see a lot of different careers, including radiology, nursing, and hospital administrators. It gave me a chance to see what I liked and didn't like.

I also was able to participate in the high school outreach program with the Regenerative Medicine Institute and that really sparked my interest in science and research.

What's next for you?

RG: I just graduated from UCLA with a degree in molecular cell and development biology. Right now, I'm exploring what I can do with my degree and I hope to move over to a research position soon.

What's your advice for a student considering joining the YED program?

RG: Do it. It's a great opportunity and I definitely recommend students participate.

The YED program is just one of the ways Cedars-Sinai is working toward a healthier Los Angeles. Learn more about our community benefit programs.