Cedars-Sinai Blog
How Cedars-Sinai is Working to Improve Black Maternal Health
Jun 02, 2023 Jeremy Deutchman

As an organization, Cedars-Sinai is rooted in the belief that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are vitally important to the health and futures of our communities and our staff. This long-established foundation is reflected in our mission to care for all who come through our doors, meeting their health needs in ways that support them while working to create a caregiver culture that reflects those values.
In the critically important area of helping to achieve Black birth equity, our decades-long work at Cedars-Sinai centers on meaningful and impactful ways to help advance health equity. From innovations in perinatal care led by our world-class doctors to leading-edge research studies on racial disparities in childbirth, we are helping to ensure healthy birth outcomes.
Our commitment includes annual education on unconscious bias for every employee and doctor at Cedars-Sinai. This training is a central organizational goal that is facilitating critical conversations among Cedars-Sinai stakeholders, said Nicole Mitchell, Cedars-Sinai’s chief diversity officer and head of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing.
“We are opening people’s eyes to what bias can look like, which allows all of us to reflect on who we are and how we view the world. This is foundational in creating more diverse and equitable environments and outcomes.”
“We are opening people’s eyes to what bias can look like, which allows all of us to reflect on who we are and how we view the world,” Mitchell said. “This is foundational in creating more diverse and equitable environments and outcomes.”
A core part of Cedars-Sinai’s DEI work is through our grantmaking to Los Angeles County organizations seeking to improve Black maternal health. To that end, Cedars-Sinai distributed nearly $2.2 million last year, solidifying our commitment to bold collective action that strengthens local communities.
Another key focus of Cedars-Sinai in this arena is a partnership with Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies, an organization that connects healthcare organizations and Black leaders to collaborate on solutions to reduce inequities in Black maternal and infant health. The partnership has had a particular impact on our perinatal unit, which continues to innovate in identifying strategies to reduce adverse events for mothers and babies.
Learn more about Cedars-Sinai’s commitment to DEI, Black maternal health and Black birth equity by visiting the links below. To make an appointment, contact our expert Obstetrics and Gynecology team today.