Cedars-Sinai Blog
Stop the Spread of COVID-19: Stay Home This New Year's
Dec 30, 2020 Cedars-Sinai Staff

No matter where you live or your circumstances, you should know that the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the U.S. is very high right now.
In Los Angeles County, there has been a dramatic increase in COVID-19 transmissions, along with record hospitalizations and deaths. The COVID-19 pandemic is reaching crisis levels at hospitals across California.
At Cedars-Sinai, our physicians, nurses and other essential workers remain focused on providing the very best care for our patients. Their dedication and resourcefulness are evident every day, but the pandemic is testing us in ways never imagined and is creating increased strain on hospital resources.
We are urging you not to go out this New Year's Eve, and please do not congregate with anyone outside your household on New Year's Day or throughout the weekend.
While it can be challenging to follow these rules on New Year's, it's critical to remember that the actions you take in the next few days can affect you, your family and your loved ones, as well as the most vulnerable among us.
Here is how to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19 right now:
Do: Follow all local and state COVID-19 guidelines for the holidays
Public health officials, as well as all of us here at Cedars-Sinai, are asking you to please comply with all LACDPH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to slow the deadly spread of COVID-19.
Don't: Gather with others who live outside your household
In Los Angeles County, private and public gatherings with individuals NOT in your household are prohibited at this time.
Do: Find safe ways to socialize virtually
To stay connected with family and friends during the holidays, the LACDPH recommends safe alternatives such as hosting an online party or games (by using apps like Zoom or FaceTime) or participating in car parades that comply with public health guidance.
Don't: Travel for holiday get-togethers, vacation or tourism
The LACDPH is discouraging all non-essential travel for L.A. County residents.
Additionally, the state of California has issued a travel advisory recommending that all non-essential travel be canceled. This includes travel for vacation, tourism or recreation.
Traveling can increase your chances of getting infected and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Remember, staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from getting sick.
Also, do not travel if you are sick or have been around someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Do: Quarantine if you must travel for an essential reason
If you must travel, follow the CDC travel guidance. Be sure to self-quarantine at home for 14 days and limit contact to only those in your household after non-essential travel to another state or country.
Do: Get tested if you have been exposed to COVID-19
If you have been exposed to COVID-19, get tested as soon as possible. According to the CDC, get tested if:
- You have symptoms of COVID-19
- You have had close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19
- You have been asked or referred to get tested by your healthcare provider, or your local or state health department.
You can read the full considerations and information on COVID-19 testing from the CDC here.
Don't: Get a COVID-19 test as a way to attend gatherings or parties
A one-time, negative COVID-19 test should NOT indicate that it is safe to travel or attend gatherings. COVID-19 may not be detectable early in the disease.
Do: Continue to wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands
Don't let good habits slip: It's more important than ever to protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, avoiding close contact (less than 6 feet) with others who are not a part of your household and washing or sanitizing your hands often.