Cedars-Sinai Blog

Shabbat Kits Bring Light to Patients in the Hospital

Cedars-Sinai, Shabbat, Sabbath, meal, hospital

Shabbat in the hospital can be an isolating experience for patients, who are often missing the comforts of home. After spending time at Cedars-Sinai with his wife, volunteer Jeremie Braun decide to help change that. Jeremie came up with the idea for Shabbat kits.

"He had perceived a need for people to feel especially connected during Shabbat, when people can feel so lonely," said Rabbi Jason Weiner.

The kits, which are inspired by the traditional items you would find on a typical Shabbat dinner table, include electric tea light candles, grape juice, challah bread, and a prayer card.

Each week, the kits are decorated by local schoolchildren for an extra touch of love and joy. The kits are then delivered to patients by Cedars-Sinai volunteers.

Cedars-Sinai, Shabbat, Sabbath, meal, hospital

Jeremie says the kits can be educational or spiritual, but they really serve to bring light to people going through tough times.

Thank you, Jeremie, for bringing such a heartwarming gesture to our patients!